The Hope Herald
August 1, 2024
A Word From The Executive Director
Over the past two and a half years, we have been blessed to witness 15 men who have completed the Hope CDA life transformation program. It’s been incredible to have a front row seat to see what God is doing.
Earlier this month, Xaviar Wright “walked the stage” as we celebrated the occasion with over 75 Hope CDA supporters and fans. “I just never want to miss these graduations,” one attendee said. “It’s always a big highlight.”
And while Xaviar’s completion of our 12-month program is an exciting new beginning to his story, these God-moments don’t happen without our many wonderful donors and volunteers. Your faithfulness is making a big difference as we work together to create an environment for God to move.
I hope you will be encouraged and blessed to read more about Xaviar (see below).
Thank you for helping Hope CDA give men a second chance in life.
Your teammate in Christ,
Carl Gonder
Executive Director
An Interview with Xaviar Wright
What was it like to graduate recently?
It felt really great to complete the program. I feel like I accomplished so much. It was a very, very good feeling to have made it through and learned all of the things that I learned.
What did you learn?
I learned to be able to trust in God and to let Him guide me. I also learned that no matter what I was facing, He was going to help me through it. I also was able to have faith in my fellow brother and get help when I needed it.
What was the best thing about Hope CDA for you?
Just getting to experience the brotherhood and have a support system that believed and cared for me.
What motivated you the most?
I have a 7-year old daughter named Violet. Completing the program was a big motivating thing because I just wanted to be able to be a good father to her. I wanted her to know growing up that no matter how rough things get, God can turn it around. I wanted to set that example for her.
Tell us about your future plans?
I plan to keep on being sober and growing in my faith in God and maybe go back to school and see where that leads. I also have moved into the Stability Program and am living with two other graduates.
Where are you working?
I work at RPS. We assemble wire harnesses. It is a great job—I have amazing bosses and co-workers. It is one of the best jobs I have ever had.
What would you like to say to people who don’t know about Hope CDA?
I would definitely say to everyone that it is an amazing place. The Hope CDA program helps guide people in their faith and recovery and does wonders for many people.
Did you ever think your life would be where it is today?
A year ago, I had no hope and no faith in myself. I never thought I would get to the point that I am now. It’s pretty amazing.
Would you say that God can do anything?
Yes, I really think so! As long as you trust in Him and His plan for you, He can do anything!
Carl Gonder
August 2, 2024 @ 12:06 pm
This is probably the best newsletter ever!