What Is Prayer?

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What is prayer to you?
In its purest sense, prayer is talking with God. In fact, you should think of it in the same way that you would if you were communicating with someone else. This means that you should expect God to speak back, something that will be discussed in greater detail later on.
Prayer can be conducted in many ways just as communication with others can be. You can pray by yourself. You can pray with one or two others or in a small group. You can also pray in a large group. These last three options are what are referred to as “corporate prayer,” where there is more than one person praying and speaking with God.
God’s People Pray
There are many instances in the Bible where God commands us to pray. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 declares that we should “pray without ceasing.” In other words, we should not stop praying. Philippians 4:6 tells us that “in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
These are just a couple of instances where God commands His people to pray. However, what must be understood is that this prayer is not about speaking in some type of holy language. It is about communicating directly with your Father, your Savior. It is sharing your thoughts, feelings, fears, and requests, knowing that He is there to listen to you.
This is why prayer is such an essential part of the Christian life. Because it helps you to build that strong relationship with Jesus, something that Satan clearly does not want.
Why Do We Pray?
Take a moment to consider this. If you were to get married but never communicate with your wife, how long do you think that marriage would last? How would you even know anything about her, or expect her to know anything about you?
This is what prayer is about. While God may know your prayers even before you say them (Psalm 139:4), the Bible calls for us to share everything with Him.
We pray for one primary reason – to further build our relationship with God. This is our chance to share our fears and concerns, our joys and challenges, our sorrows and depression, and our requests. It is a chance for us to learn more about God and to share ourselves with Him.
The Bible shares this insight with us. It tells us that we should pray for one another (James 5:16), pray to overcome our anxieties (Philippians 4:6), to ask for things we desire (Mark 11:24), and pray for strength (Romans 8:26).
While the relationship is the most important thing, there are other reasons to pray. This includes being faithful to God. By praying, we are continually turning to Him, which shows our faithfulness and trust in Him.
We are learning the essentials of believing and having faith in God. Praying to Him is part of what helps you to further your belief and increase your faith.
Praying also acknowledges that we have very little power and ability beyond Him. When we pray we are approaching with a humble spirit, recognizing that He is the One who will deliver us from temptation and evil. He is the One who will help us to our struggles, and lead us through the dark times toward success. It is a recognition that without Him, we will fail. An active prayer life helps you to recognize the need for God and all that He can do.
Benefits of Prayer
You may wonder why it would be necessary to pray for something if God already knew what you were going to ask. That is a good question. There are really two reasons. The first is that God still wants you to build a relationship with Him. By praying, you are doing just that. The second is that when we pray and we see the results of that prayer, then we know that God is delivering on our prayer.
These are two essential points, but it is also important to realize that there is great power in prayer. This does not mean that God will answer every prayer in the way that you desire. Keep in mind that God is doing everything for our good, and that may mean that the way in which He answers that prayer may be quite different than what you desired for Him to do. However, whether He answers it exactly as you ask or has a different way of handling the situation, you can be sure that God heard your prayer and provided the best solution for you.
In addition, prayer gives us a source of comfort. It reminds us that there is a God out there who loves each one of us deeply and is willing to listen to everything that comes out of our mouths. It is not just that he can hear what we are saying, but that he wants to hear it. The Creator of the universe loves you so much that he is excited to hear every word and thought.
Benefits of Corporate Prayer
For many, they have no issue with prayer. They do a lot of it on their own, and the Bible does encourage us to pray in secret (Matthew 6:6). However, there is great power in corporate prayer as well.
In Matthew 18:19-20, Jesus declared “19 Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”
What Jesus is telling us is that there is great power in prayer when we pray together. That when two believers come together seeking to have God move in a powerful way to transform the lives of others or themselves, that God will hear that prayer and act on it.
It is understandable that it may be uncomfortable to pray in front of others. Some feel “silly” or are fearful that others will make fun of their prayers. However, this is a powerful tool, and you should never be afraid to speak to your Father or your Savior. They love when you do.
Are you comfortable when you pray with others?
Who are some people that you could pray with?
We have a God who wants to hear from us. We also have a God who wishes to speak to us. We have a God who wants to build a relationship with us. Prayer is your opportunity to spend some time with your Father, sharing your life with Him. So, let us pray.
Bible Passages for the Week:
Monday – James 5:16
Tuesday – Colossians 4:2
Wednesday – Mark 11:24
Thursday – Psalm 144:18
Friday – Psalm 18:6
Saturday – Pick a passage from Scripture that teaches you about what it means to pray.
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